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‘Helps You Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle’ is a Winning Phrase

70% of respondents prefer this message
Stephen Heitz, Chief Innovation Officer | Tim Trull, Chief Strategy Officer

This article is a brief abstract of our exclusive study that takes the guesswork 
out of sports sponsorship, advertising and marketing.

Download the complete 2018 Southwest Sports Marketing Report


We asked respondents to rank phrases describing sports and fitness products and services. Here are their top-five favorites, in order of preference:

  1. Helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle (70%)
  2. Helps you get the most out of your individual ability (69%)
  3. Supports your fitness goals (58%)
  4. Understands your goals and needs (57%)
  5. Fits your busy lifestyle (44%)

Here’s a deeper look at why respondents selected each phrase:

Chart: Preferred phrases marketers use to communicate with you about sports and/or fitness products and services.

Helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle (70%)

  • “I would be most interested in a healthy lifestyle, rather than specific fitness activities.”
  • “I only go to work out because my doctor told me that I have to go for my health.”
  • “The product that helps me maintain my fitness and diet for a healthy lifestyle is important.”
  • “It's important for living longer, healthier and happier.”
  • “Gives you the tools you need to be successful.”
  • “The goal of my exercise activities is to improve and maintain my health.”
  • “A healthy lifestyle ensures good health and longevity.”
  • “Once you get your body to where you want it to be, maintenance is a priority. So, naturally, I want an activity that's going to help me do that.”

Helps you get the most out of your individual ability (69%)

  • “It’s not made just for experts.”
  • “It finds my strengths and then helps me to be even better.”
  • “I would like to have gear that helps me perform smarter and not harder, so I can get the best of my activity.”
  • “Some people are natural athletes. Not me. I have to work really hard for things which are easy for other people.”
  • “It seems like a lot of exercise equipment is designed one way, and one way only. They are all ‘one-size-fits-all.’ It would be nice to have one that could cater to you.”
  • “My ability is strong and good, so I need good equipment to help get the most out of the activity.”
  • “My mobility is limited so I would want items that would be geared toward my specific abilities.”

Helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle"Supports your fitness goals (58%)

  • “It makes me feel like my time invested will be worth it.”
  • “I prefer to set my own goals rather than having it set by someone who doesn't know me.”
  • “It would help to know how to meet your fitness goals.”
  • “It puts you in charge. It’s all about you, not about profit.”
  • “I want something that works for me and is not a chore to use.”
  • “If they support what I want, it makes it more appealing.”
  • “Every person is unique and has specific goals. It would give me the impression that it was designed for someone like me.”

Understands your goals and needs (57%)

  • “It would be tailored to my present situation. People and their needs change with time and age.”
  • “This encompasses so many other ideas, including the need for low-cost alternatives.”
  • “I need something that will not push me to my limits but will provide results and help me achieve my goals.”
  • “Understanding my individual needs ensures a better experience for me.”
  • “If they understand my goals then I might reach them with their help.”
  • “Everybody has different goals and needs.”

Fits your busy lifestyle (44%)

  • “Even though I am retired, my lifestyle is busy and whatever exercise I am involved in has to fit this lifestyle.”
  • “If it takes too much time, I just won't do it.”
  • “People today lead such busy schedules. You can exercise at your own pace when and where you want.”
  • “I like to be able to get a workout quickly and effectively.”
  • “I want something that would add to my current lifestyle, not take away from it.”
  • “If it can't or won't fit into my life, nothing else about it matters. You have to address time first, then ease and benefits.”

Healthy lifestyle…revisited

While the phrase “helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle” won hands-down with a whopping 70% of respondents overall ranking it in their top five, it fared slightly better among a few demographics. Here’s the breakdown of those who most prefer this phrase:

  • 74% of respondents aged 55+
  • 76% of retired respondents
  • 78% of female respondents

Why does it matter? Knowing which words and phrases resonate most with potential buyers is similar to understanding which keywords and phrases will help your website perform best for page rank. It can help your marketing messages stand out from the clutter. In the end, that’s what effective sports marketing and sponsorship are all about.



2018 Southwest Sports Marketing Report

Marketing Report Brochure

This article is a brief abstract of our exclusive and authoritative study that takes the guesswork out of sports advertising and marketing. Rather than speculating about what will drive consumers to action, we've asked them.

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