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LAVIDGE Panel Shares Insight on Impacting Workplace Culture
PHOENIX (April 11, 2018) A five-member panel of Lavidgians was well received on Tuesday when they shared tips on how to impact workplace culture at an event hosted by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
LAVIDGE Account Executive Kylie Lavidge, Publicist Maggie Driver, Associate Interactive Media Director Melanee Arnett, Office Manager Kathy Knudson and Associate Interactive Media Buyer Elyse Fornefeld (pictured from left to right) answered questions from an intimate group of about 35 guests after a brief slide presentation, including a video showcasing culture at LAVIDGE for members of Tomorrow’s Leaders.
Presentation highlights included tips on how to recruit well, onboard and engage those new hires, and then to keep them motivated to stay long term. The topic was on-point with the group’s stated mission to offer networking and leadership development opportunities for young professionals while supporting those who live with cystic fibrosis.
“It was an honor to be able to speak about something so important, and to support the organization’s goals,” Lavidge said. “We love it here at LAVIDGE, and we enjoy the chance to help others develop a positive workplace culture of their own.”
The April 10th Tomorrow’s Leaders meeting took place in the lobby of the UMB Building on East Camelback Road, home to both LAVIDGE and the Foundation. The location provided an opportunity following the presentation for LAVIDGE panelists to treat attendees to a tour of the agency.
“It was fun and well-attended,” Driver said. “I think some of the participants were interested in the agency and might want to work here.”