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LAVIDGE IMPACT Volunteers Return to Phoenix Rescue Mission
Ad agency employees greet and serve clients at Hope for Hunger food bank
PHOENIX (Oct. 5, 2023) –LAVIDGE IMPACT volunteers returned to Hope for Hunger food bank this week to help Phoenix Rescue Mission pack food boxes and fill grocery carts for people experiencing food insecurity.
The westside food bank located in Glendale is among several favorite locations for those the agency to provide community service through the IMPACT employee volunteer program.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, contact with food bank clients was limited to members of the Arizona National Guard who wheeled out full grocery carts to share with those in need as fast as IMPACT volunteers could fill them, assembly-line style. Everyone wore masks and gloves.
On Wednesday, clients lined up to meet with case workers face-to-face who created “shopping” lists determined by family size and need. CFO and EVP Sandra Torre, who chairs the IMPACT committee, was among those fulfilling these food orders for guests who pushed their own grocery carts through the line.
Outside, volunteers welcomed visitors on their way in and offered bagged potatoes and help loading up their vehicles as they left.
While faces and names changed of those serving at Phoenix Mission and those of the clients they serve, the need remains. Contact Hope for Hunger at (602) 773-4344 or [email protected] for information on how to volunteer.