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LAVIDGE IMPACT Volunteers Return to Cuddle, Care for Pot Belly Pigs

October 14, 2022

PHOENIX (Oct. 14, 2022) – Who would have guessed that volunteering to cuddle pigs would not only be fun, but become a LAVIDGE IMPACT volunteer favorite?

The rescue, located near Cave Creek on the far north side of the metro Phoenix area, isn’t an easy drive for some. With employees spread out—many of whom work remotely daily, getting together a group anywhere can be a challenge.

Sean Rogers enjoys volunteering with LAVIDGE IMPACT at Better Piggies Rescue.And yet, when it comes stepping up to spend time caring for the pigs who wind up at Better Piggies Rescue, there are always plenty of willing hands, said LAVIDGE Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Sandra Torre.

Torre heads up LAVIDGE IMPACT, the Phoenix-based digital, PR and ad agency’s committee for charitable volunteering and giving. As usual, she was among the nine volunteers including LAVIDGE employees, interns and a spouse who donated two hours of time today (not including travel to and from) at Better Piggies.

Volunteers typically clean up areas, make sure the pigs have clean (and nutritious) food and water and occasionally hang up the blankets the rescued piggies love to curl up in so they can dry after an Arizona rain.

Better Piggies’ mission is to manage relationships with Arizona sanctuaries and veterinarians to provide the correct care pot belly pigs need. Additionally, its website states, Better Piggies Rescue offers education on how to care for them for owners who want to keep pigs in their homes but have run out of options due to behavioral issues.

For information on how to get involved visit, call 602. 962.8488, or email [email protected].

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